Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This past Saturday my fiancee and I attended Pre-Cana class in Beaufort, SC.  This is one of the requirements we have to meet in order to get married.  I had to get special liberty from work, and although I only asked for 1 day, I got 2 days so i could make an attempt at readjusting my sleep schedule for mids shift.
The drive to Beaufort was nice, lots of trees and backroads, not much boring interstate which was nice.  When we got close the GPS and the mapques directions told us to turn right and go .2 miles to the church.  Well, unless the church was inside Hardees, the directions were wrong.  So we drove around for awhile and then Alexandra spotted a sign for a restaurant that she knew was across the street from the church, so we followed the sign and arrived at the church.
We parked and then realized we don't know where the class is going to be held.  So we started wandering and testing doors to see if they were open.  There was a school and a church there so there were quite a few buildings and doors to try.  Then another confused couple showed up, followed by another and another.  You'd think there would be signs...but there wasn't.  We found an open door however there was no one in the room...we found out a little bit later that we were in the right place, but everyone was in the room next to the empty room.
So class began, It consists of 6 talks, each of which has a little booklet to read and answer questions.  So we listened to a 30 minute lecture from the couple hosting the class.  Then we broke apart and filled out the questions individually, and then we got together with our partner and discussed the questions.  Then we did the same thing again for 3 more lesctures.
Lunch time!  We got 1 hour and 20 minutes for lunch so we went to Fuji, a chinese restaurant recomended by Alexandra's maid of honor, Shawn.  It was really good.  For dessert we had mochi-icecream.  It was a small scoop of ice cream wrapped in some kind of sweet dough.  It was really neat and tasty.  We had 3 different flavors, Sweetbean, peach, and vanilla.
After lunch we had 3 more lectures, and then it was time to go home.  The questions we had to answer for the lectures were designed to make sure you and your partner were on the same page for everthing and Alexandra and I had nearly identical answers on everything and we have already discussed all of this.  We have great communication.  Some of the questions were just checkmrking things that we have not discussed yet and have concerns about, we didn't have any.  So we are 1 step closer to getting married! 


  1. the ice cream flavors were sweetbean,MANGO and vanilla. But you are right they were very yummy, good suggestion to try

  2. sounds like fun-I bet the ice cream was the best part
