Friday, May 15, 2009

Arrival In Hawaii

Well, I experienced the worst flight of my life yesterday. LAX sucked first of all, but once I got over that hurdle, I thought I was in the clear, NOPE!

I was seated next to a drunk guy, he dropped his luggage trying to put it in the overhead bin, then sat/fell unto his seat and said, I'm just drunk!

I was like, oh great.

Then he told me he was celebrating his 5th wedding anniversary...alone...because his wife left him for a guy 20 years younger. Then he told me the story again and again, and then asked me questions and then asked the same questions again and then told me his story a few more times. AHH!

Then he decided to take his luggage down and dropped it on the girl across the aisle.

Then the flight took off, the tv's came on and I immediatley started a movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and put in headphones to ignore him.

He went to the bathroom repeatedly and passed out a lot, and then he would move around and pass out again, and he looked like he was going to lay in my lap, but didn't. Then he went to the bathroom and when he returned he informed me he threw up, and some on himself I think, eventually the flight attendants gave me a new seat, after 2 hrs of my 6 hr flight. But the last 4 hrs felt a lot shorter than those first 2.

Oh and before we took off he wanted to buy me shots and I refused, 1) I'm not old enough. 2) if he drank anymore he'd throw up on me oh and he was already swearing a lot, about how, mother****ing lucky I was to get stationed in Hawaii.

I miss my sweetheart.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds dreadfully awfull! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that guy, but at least you got to change seats.
