Mmm! Cypress is an awesome restaurant on East Bay st at the corner of Vendue in the historic district downtown Charleston, SC. We ordered a Caesar salad that was prepared beside our table and the salad was delicious and the food was delicious and dessert was great too, and the right proportion. Some restaurants give you way too much dessert. The pomegranate mojito I had was yummy and Alexandra and I both asked for a glass of wine with our meal that would complement the meal and the waitress did a great job of this. The picture above was at the end of our meal, in the background is a small glimpse of their wine rack.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Mmm! Cypress is an awesome restaurant on East Bay st at the corner of Vendue in the historic district downtown Charleston, SC. We ordered a Caesar salad that was prepared beside our table and the salad was delicious and the food was delicious and dessert was great too, and the right proportion. Some restaurants give you way too much dessert. The pomegranate mojito I had was yummy and Alexandra and I both asked for a glass of wine with our meal that would complement the meal and the waitress did a great job of this. The picture above was at the end of our meal, in the background is a small glimpse of their wine rack.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Bottles & Brushes
We went to Bottle's and Brushes. It is a fun painting class. The artist walked us through the painting step by step. It took about 3 hours, and they served beer and wine. It was a lot of fun, I think it would be fun to do with the family in New Orleans too. Our paintings are of the Arthur Ravnel Bridge on Cooper River. Here's the pics!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Last Monday (October 26, 2009) I get to work and I am told that on the next underway I will be the underway ELT so I can get some experience and get proficient at the day to day duties of my job. About an hour later my LELT came in and said "Hey how much leave do you have." I have about a 0 leave balance maybe -2 days. He said oh well, you need to write a leave chit for the next underway because we don't have room for you. I was a little shocked.
Normally the Navy is a pain in the butt when you request leave. You ask and they say maybe and you ask again and they say maybe and eventually they let you know for sure. However, this time they are telling me to go! WEIRD! So I said ok, and wrote out my leave chit.
I had duty that night so I couldn't leave the boat.
Tuesday I asked if I can really go ahead and buy a plane ticket. He said yes. I had also decided that my plane ticket will be going to Charleston, SC to visit Alexandra, but I'm not going to tell her I am coming. She still believes I am going underway. So I made the flight and hotel reservations with <1 weeks notice. (The Navy is so considerate...)
My plane landed in Charleston on Tuesday morning (November 3, 2009) I arrived at my hotel around 1100 and waited for her to get out of her class. I had a pizza for lunch and took the leftovers to the dorm front desk because I know a lot of the people that work at the desk they would probably let me leave it there to pick up later. Also I asked what route she would take to go from the building Alex's class was in to the building she was going to next. I had about 45 min until her class was scheduled to be over and she would be making her move.
As I turned to go out the door, there she was just walking in the door. We both stopped for a second. Alexandra turned really red and was speechless so I gave her a BIG HUG and picked her up! She was still speechless. I'm pretty sure she thought she was dreaming. She never asked how or why I was there, she said she didn't care. She was just super happy to see me and I was super happy to see her!
I love you sweetheart!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Long Deployment...?
So apparently we came back early from our underway to get ready for a possible early deployment. I thought this would mean our 6 month deployment would start and end sooner, nope, it would be more like an extra deployment. So like 6-8 months, ahh! I hate being away from Alexandra and my family. However at the same time this is kind of what I signed up for. I know what it is and if I knew no one was going to do anything I would not be happy. I guess I just wish it would be someone else, maybe, idk. I just hate being away. I want to be with Alexandra married and happy, I love her so much!!!
I love and miss you sweetheart!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I have a Rack
I finally have a rack! But I am sleeping with the torpedos, fun stuff. In a room where the lights stay on. Its exciting. ugh I love the
I love and miss you Alexandra!!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009

So I had duty on Friday, then saturday morning had a "Fast Cruise" and didn't get off the boat until 7:00 pm. And lucky me I get to go into work sunday evening, and I might as well sleep there since monday morning muster is 0430! and then of course I have monday duty so 2 nights in a row of sleeping onboard. UGH.
I look forward to Alexandra visiting! And even more than that I look forward to the wedding, and bringing her back here with me! That will be wonderful! Best day of my life!
I miss her and I love her more than I can express.
I miss all of my family, and look forward to seeing them all at the wedding.
Hope the fall festival goes well. Wish I was there to buy some pulltabs and beer. Someday...
I miss you Alexandra, I am glad we have tomorrow to talk. MWAH I love you!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Long Days
Lately I have been working long days, but for the most part all I mean is full days. I've gotten used to being able to leave early, especially on Fridays, but lately that's been changing. It's due to the deployment being right around the corner. But the good news is that our wedding date should be pretty stable at the moment, assuming we leave on time for deployment, then we should be back on time and all will be swell.
So today we pulled out of dry dock. It was a long not productive day. Mustered at 0500 and I studied until about 0730 when I started a checkout and was then ordered to muster on the "wingwall" for my line handling duty. They flooded the dock, long process, and I played games on my ipod and watched the dock fill. Then I watched them move the door that held back the ocean...I wanted to see how it worked, and got a sunburn because of it. I could have been in the shade but I wanted to watch. Here's my sweet watch tan-line:
So when the boat got out of the drydock I went to the pier/wharf to meet it and help line handle to moor the boat.
Then my LELT spotted me on the pier, he was stuck on the boat ALL day, and signaled me to get him a Mt Dew. I did and by the time I got back the brow was laid so I could get it to him. I am a well trained NUB. lol
I miss Alexandra so much.
While I was waiting for the boat I see a lot of wives and kids walking by to the end of the pier to meet their husbands returning to port, I look forward to the day Alexandra (and Max) meet me at the pier! A master-chief standing by me made a comment that it was pathetic because the boat had been gone a week or, he said he would "slap" his wife if she did that...then he mentioned that that would only be true if he was married. Haha. I think there's a good chance Alexandra would still come to the pier regardless of how long I was gone, although I think she would be fine with a couple days, but a week or more wouldn't surprise me at all.
I love her so much, and I miss her too!!!
MWAH Honey
Friday, August 28, 2009
I miss her and we can't wait to be here together in a house with a kitty!!!
I love and miss you sweetie!
I love and miss you sweetie!
Alexandra's Visit
I haven't blogged in awhile...sorry.
In recent events: ALEXANDRA VISITED YAY! But you should already know that from the last blog I wrote. We went on a dinner cruise, the food was prety good, personally I liked the Lobster and the salad the best. We each had 3 drink tickets, I ordered a Mai Tai, a Haunama Bay Breeze, and a Navatek Nectar (cruise special). I'm pretty sure the drinks were 99% alcohol free. Alexandra had a Pina Colada, glass of wine, and a coffee. Here are some pics:
In recent events: ALEXANDRA VISITED YAY! But you should already know that from the last blog I wrote. We went on a dinner cruise, the food was prety good, personally I liked the Lobster and the salad the best. We each had 3 drink tickets, I ordered a Mai Tai, a Haunama Bay Breeze, and a Navatek Nectar (cruise special). I'm pretty sure the drinks were 99% alcohol free. Alexandra had a Pina Colada, glass of wine, and a coffee. Here are some pics:
Sunday, August 2, 2009
42 Hours!
42 Hours from now I will be giving my fiancee a big hug!!! I can't wait! This is going to be a wonderful week! We have a lot planned, kind of. A lot of our plans involve simply enjoying each others company, we really don't want to get too busy, after all we will be living here together for a few years so why rush through all the touristy stuff now? Might as well wait until some of our family comes to visit us and do the touristy stuff with them.
I am very excited to pick Alexandra up from the airport!
On another note, this is going to be a rough work week for me, it's going to be the hardest week and the final week of this school I am attending. Basically I am expected to become loud and forceful...hmm...that's just not me, there's a reason I am a nuke and an ELT. haha. But I will do my best and whatever happens happens. At least Alexandra will be there at the end of the day this week. I can't wait until she's there at the end of the day every day!
I love you so much sweetheart!!!
I am very excited to pick Alexandra up from the airport!
On another note, this is going to be a rough work week for me, it's going to be the hardest week and the final week of this school I am attending. Basically I am expected to become loud and forceful...hmm...that's just not me, there's a reason I am a nuke and an ELT. haha. But I will do my best and whatever happens happens. At least Alexandra will be there at the end of the day this week. I can't wait until she's there at the end of the day every day!
I love you so much sweetheart!!!
Week 2
Last week was week #2 of school. It was all about guns! I like guns. Pistol, shotgun, and M-16, I got to shoot all 3, and it was fun. The M-16 was the only new thing for me, I've shot the pistol before and the shotgun many times. Shotguns are pretty awesome! Unfortunately I did not get to shoot the M-16 on full auto, but oh well, thats what video games are for! lol
Speaking of video games, I got a PS3 and it is great! I bought Call of Duty World At War, I was skeptical at first because I have played so many WWII games, but this one is different. It is a completely different angle on WWII. Fighting Nazis and Japanese soldiers. The soldiers also lie in wait for you, when you get close they throw a flash grenade and charge you with bayonets! Pretty sweet!
I can't wait for my sweetheart to visit!!!
I love you Alexandra!!!
Speaking of video games, I got a PS3 and it is great! I bought Call of Duty World At War, I was skeptical at first because I have played so many WWII games, but this one is different. It is a completely different angle on WWII. Fighting Nazis and Japanese soldiers. The soldiers also lie in wait for you, when you get close they throw a flash grenade and charge you with bayonets! Pretty sweet!
I can't wait for my sweetheart to visit!!!
I love you Alexandra!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
OC Fight Through
Today was OC fight through day at SRF school. OC stands for oleoresin capsicum, commonly known as pepper spray. This is much stonger than the common self defense kind you can buy for under $20. The purpose of this training is to show us how the OC feels, that it does work, and that it doesn't work if the person is focused and determined.
To start out we get sprayed across the eyebrows from ~4 feet away. I got a direct spray into my left eye and it was pretty much no use for about 20 min. My right eye made it through the whole course. The course consisted of 5 various stations that we had to fight through successfully using proper fighting techniques we were trained on, then after successful completion we went to the eye wash station, which caused me the greatest pain I have ever felt, and caused me to not be able to breathe easily (atleast I felt like I couldn't, I had to yell to force air in and out) After the washing station my eyes and my whole face felt like they were on fire and getting attacked with razo blades. I have a video of this whole experience but I am not allowed to post it online, so if you want to see it, let me know.
The best part is that this is all voluntary and right before it happens they ask us medical questions, if we have contacts in, and if we are aware that we are about to be contaminated with oleoresin capsicum and if we understand that this is entirely voluntary, I said yes, and he said shut your eyes...and so the fun began, I got through in ~4 min many others took a lot longer, I was also pretty well recovered in about 30 min and felt completely recovered in 1 hour. My buddy took a lot longer and I actually drove him back to barracks because he was still unable to see well enough to drive.
I also took a shower tonight, which actually reactivated the spray in my eyes and face, ouch.
On another note, I am now 21! I bought a 6 pack today and drank a couple beers. I had to drink them before 7 because no alcohol within 12 hours of class due to the hazardous nature of this class.
To start out we get sprayed across the eyebrows from ~4 feet away. I got a direct spray into my left eye and it was pretty much no use for about 20 min. My right eye made it through the whole course. The course consisted of 5 various stations that we had to fight through successfully using proper fighting techniques we were trained on, then after successful completion we went to the eye wash station, which caused me the greatest pain I have ever felt, and caused me to not be able to breathe easily (atleast I felt like I couldn't, I had to yell to force air in and out) After the washing station my eyes and my whole face felt like they were on fire and getting attacked with razo blades. I have a video of this whole experience but I am not allowed to post it online, so if you want to see it, let me know.
The best part is that this is all voluntary and right before it happens they ask us medical questions, if we have contacts in, and if we are aware that we are about to be contaminated with oleoresin capsicum and if we understand that this is entirely voluntary, I said yes, and he said shut your eyes...and so the fun began, I got through in ~4 min many others took a lot longer, I was also pretty well recovered in about 30 min and felt completely recovered in 1 hour. My buddy took a lot longer and I actually drove him back to barracks because he was still unable to see well enough to drive.
I also took a shower tonight, which actually reactivated the spray in my eyes and face, ouch.
On another note, I am now 21! I bought a 6 pack today and drank a couple beers. I had to drink them before 7 because no alcohol within 12 hours of class due to the hazardous nature of this class.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Force Protection School
Tomorrow I have to go to Force Protection School. I don't know much about it. It's basically 3 weeks of basic combat training to defend the ship if the need arises. All I know is that we are going to get maced in the face, shoot guns, and learn some ninja fighting moves (jk). But I will get MACED and I am not looking forward to it. Maybe it will be when Alexandra is here so she can take care of me afterward...hehe, I am a pobrecito!
Saturday Duty

Yesterday was my first Saturday duty day. I knew it was gonna suck, since its a saturday and I have to work, however I thought it might be nice, because people won't be too busy and I should be able to get lots and lots of checkouts. Turns out it wasn't busy, but I didn't get a whole lot of checkouts during the day because all the qualified useful bodies were reading, watching movies, playing xbox, or on watch "busy". So I studied quite a bit, but got tired of that in a hurry. Actually the morning wasn't so bad because I got to do ELT stuff and then go on a lunch food run to subway. Then for dinner I went on a food run to taco bell. I made sure to give people pretty good change so that I wouldn't be like someone else on my boat who doesn't give change...
Then I found out I would be standing my U/I watch from 2030-2330. I got quite a few checkouts during it, so that made me happy. Although I almost missed watch completely because after dinner I was sick of studying and knew that by the time my watch came around I was going to be tired so I got in the rack to rest and read a book. I put my name on the wakeup sheet for 2000 just in case. I fell asleep and no one woke me up. I woke up on my own at 2018 and got out of the rack to stand my watch. Back to bed at 2330 and reveille at 0500. Then I did some ELT stuff and went to church.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Coconut Milk!
Today I went to the swap meet with Jeremy and Hilary. There was a lot of t-shirts and good touristy stuff. There was also lots of tasty samples, next time I think I will get some jam and maybe a t-shirt. I also want to pick up a 688i submarine model made of mahogany. The only thing I bought today was a coconut, the dude took an axe to it and then stuck a straw in it (pic below) it wasn't what I expected, but good nonetheless. I think the best part was the fact that I was drinking directly out of a coconut!

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Boredom...then...Driveing...then FIREWORKS!

So every night I talk to Alexandra until she goes to sleep, then most of the time I am pretty bored, usually watch Nip/Tuck episodes, play some PS2, read a book, or surf the web. Tonight I was especially missing Alexandra, idk why, I just was. Nothing seemed appealing, I didn't want to read, watch a movie or play video games, so I decided to go for a drive and listen to the CD I bought last weekend, Back when I knew it All by Montgomery Gentry.
So I got on H1 and drove until it ended and then kept driving until I was going into nowhere and decided to turn around. Then Hilary called me from base needing directions to her hubby's boat because they were going to watch the fireworks and since he was on duty he couldn't leave.
I had completely forgotten about fireworks so I headed back to base and was going to watch from the truck. Then at 8 the fireworks still hadn't started so I got out of the truck to walk around since I had listened to the whole CD twice. Then I ran into Hilary, she still hadn't found the boat (I guess submarines are stealthy above water too, haha jk) so I ended up watching the fireworks with them, I felt bad because I thought maybe they had wanted a nice romantic firework show for the 2 of them.
We were literally underneath the fireworks. My neck still hurts!
Then I let Hilary follow me off base so she could get to H1 without going through the majority of the traffic, although there was still a lot of traffic. So that was my night.
I promised Alexandra I would have a good evening, and I guess it ended up happening, it would always be better if she was with me though.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Ice Age
Today I saw Ice Age, it was good but not as good as the first two movies. Good friendship themes and stuff and plenty of double meaning jokes for kids and adults.
Before the movie we went to eat at the Cattle Company. It was really good, and good price. I look forward to going there after my 21st birthday because the ribs have a suggested wine to go with them and I really want to try that.
I can't wait for Alexandra to come visit! It will be lots of fun. I'm excited for her and Hilary to hang out, and for us to look at a house by them and see if any will be available about the time we want to move in. That will be a super exciting day! I love you so much!!!
Before the movie we went to eat at the Cattle Company. It was really good, and good price. I look forward to going there after my 21st birthday because the ribs have a suggested wine to go with them and I really want to try that.
I can't wait for Alexandra to come visit! It will be lots of fun. I'm excited for her and Hilary to hang out, and for us to look at a house by them and see if any will be available about the time we want to move in. That will be a super exciting day! I love you so much!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
North Carolina Readers
Hi, my fiancee and I have noticed that on a regular basis we have visitors from North Carolina on our blogs. It's exciting to see other people reading, but we are curious to know what interests you about our blogs. So if you don't mind please leave a comment, you can leave it as annonymous if you like. We are just curious. Thank you, hope you enjoy reading.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Stood My First Under Instruction Watch Today
Today I stayed late :( to stand a UI watch SRW. It was pretty much for the purpose of getting checkouts. I also took the logs and I was SLOW. I'm sure eventually I will improve, hopefully sooner than later. So I didn't get to leave work until 6:30 (thats 1830 for you military types) and luckily Alexandra was still awake so I kept her up a little longer to talk about our days. I love her!
I also got a PPD shot today, that was fun. Got to leave the boat for a little bit to have that done. I left without my medical record though so I had to walk all the way back, but it killed more time.
Hmm...not much else is going on around here.
This past weekend I went to Jeremy and Hilary's House and had some ribs, they were yummy. Oh and I had a chocolate cupcake too! I forgot to tell Alexandra about that! Then we went and watched The Hangover after persuading Hilary with the 2:1 ratio rule.
For those of you that don't know, this means that for every guy flick she sees with her husband, he will in turn see 2 chick flicks with her. Not completely fair, but most good chick flicks are funny so its ok.
By the way the movie was hilarious. Oh and Hilary ended up enjoying it also.
I miss Alexandra and can't wait for her to visit!
I also got a PPD shot today, that was fun. Got to leave the boat for a little bit to have that done. I left without my medical record though so I had to walk all the way back, but it killed more time.
Hmm...not much else is going on around here.
This past weekend I went to Jeremy and Hilary's House and had some ribs, they were yummy. Oh and I had a chocolate cupcake too! I forgot to tell Alexandra about that! Then we went and watched The Hangover after persuading Hilary with the 2:1 ratio rule.
For those of you that don't know, this means that for every guy flick she sees with her husband, he will in turn see 2 chick flicks with her. Not completely fair, but most good chick flicks are funny so its ok.
By the way the movie was hilarious. Oh and Hilary ended up enjoying it also.
I miss Alexandra and can't wait for her to visit!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Working on the weekend...not really
I had to go into work today. It was more or less muster and leave. I did a little ELT stuff, and found out i need to check my email daily...Apparently sometimes they email us things we need to do and it's an order and if you don't check your email you are disobeying it. Oh well lesson learned. I still think face to face communication works better on the sub, or at least through the chain of command.
So I am off for the rest of the weekend and don't really having anything planned. Going to go help friends return a heavy exercise equipment thing and get another one. Going to ride the motorcycle a little bit too. Other than that, I will talk to Alexandra, maybe play a little PS2, watch some niptuck and sleep. I'll eat at some point too.
Miss you all!
Hope the Vacation is fun and you have good weather!
So I am off for the rest of the weekend and don't really having anything planned. Going to go help friends return a heavy exercise equipment thing and get another one. Going to ride the motorcycle a little bit too. Other than that, I will talk to Alexandra, maybe play a little PS2, watch some niptuck and sleep. I'll eat at some point too.
Miss you all!
Hope the Vacation is fun and you have good weather!
Monday, June 15, 2009
And so it begins...
Well I have started working on my boat now. I can't do a whole lot yet, since I'm a full blown nub (non useful body) but I can do somethings. But my primary job is to study and get qualified. Although I found out today that this week is going to suck and the hours are going may suck. Oh and I will be going in on Saturday...but I believe my Sunday I will be off...knock on wood. Wish me luck.
Hope everything back home is going well, I know you are all ready for vacation and I expect lots of pics! I miss you everyone!
I miss you Alexandra sweetie and I love you so much!
Hope everything back home is going well, I know you are all ready for vacation and I expect lots of pics! I miss you everyone!
I miss you Alexandra sweetie and I love you so much!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I'm On A Boat
Well I have reported to my boat. Haven't done a lot so far, got the grand tour of the cramped spaces and had lunch on board. The crew's mess is a pretty small place as well. So far all I have really done is meet some people and begin the "check-in" process. When I got on this morning the topside watch was like, hold on who are you? and then another guy came up through the hatch and said hey Lippy! and then he told the topside watch I was good to go, just a new guy. I'm not 100% sure who that was, meeting so many new people I have a hard time keeping faces and names together. The crew doesn't have a problem, because they see the same faces everyday and then a new guy shows up, not hard to remember one new guy at a time. The adventure is just beginning. Now I just need to GET QUALIFIED and break out of my shell...haha.
oh and tonight I also purchased my honey's flight to come visit me! we are both very excited about this! My lead ELT told me I should be able to get the weekend free to be with her, probably not the weekdays though, and he also reminded me that nothing is "FOR SURE" in the Navy, well except maybe deployments...unfortunately lol. Alexandra and I are well aware that nothing is ever for sure, so we always plan for the worst and are thrilled when we get anything better than that.
P.S. I love and miss you too Mom, Dad, and family!
oh and tonight I also purchased my honey's flight to come visit me! we are both very excited about this! My lead ELT told me I should be able to get the weekend free to be with her, probably not the weekdays though, and he also reminded me that nothing is "FOR SURE" in the Navy, well except maybe deployments...unfortunately lol. Alexandra and I are well aware that nothing is ever for sure, so we always plan for the worst and are thrilled when we get anything better than that.
P.S. I love and miss you too Mom, Dad, and family!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Whats new? Not much...
Hmm...what's new with me? Nothing yet. Got my household good shipment, so that means that I have my ps2, tv, and printer! It's nice to have a printer again. I need to get my official Hawaii state motorcycle insurance ID so I can finish all the registration stuff. It can be a big pain in the butt. This post is a rambling one, just so you know. Lets see, I'm spending as much time as I can talking to my sweetie, because I am soon going to be starting working on my boat and that means less available free time to talk when we are both awake, we will have to communicate by messages and then hope the weekends come quickly. I miss her very much, and I can't wait to buy that plane ticket to get her here! That will be so nice! I hope she knows what she means to me!
Oh by the way I had a coffee-toffee-frosty today, I didn't realize how ridiculous that sounded until I ordered it in the drive-thru at Wendy's, but it was good. Say it out loud and you will know what I mean. There is a Wendy's a block from OUR storage unit, so when Alexandra comes I will give her the grande tour of the storage unit and then we will get frosty's! That's the thing to do when you visit Hawaii!!
Well Hope YA'll are having a goodtime on the mainland, I miss it, and miss you
Oh by the way I had a coffee-toffee-frosty today, I didn't realize how ridiculous that sounded until I ordered it in the drive-thru at Wendy's, but it was good. Say it out loud and you will know what I mean. There is a Wendy's a block from OUR storage unit, so when Alexandra comes I will give her the grande tour of the storage unit and then we will get frosty's! That's the thing to do when you visit Hawaii!!
Well Hope YA'll are having a goodtime on the mainland, I miss it, and miss you
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Saw the movie "UP" today!
After having a wonderful breakfast, pancakes, with the Payne's I helped them lay bricks under their fence to prevent the dogs from getting out. They live in the neighborhood I hope to live in someday with my beautiful fiancee Alexandra. After that we went to eat at a mexican restaurant, i think it was called Bandisto which is at Pearl Ridge mall. We walked around the mall after lunch and decided to see a movie, UP.
The movie was funny. We were probably the only group of 3 adults with no children, unless you count their unborn child Mason.
I was missing Alexandra during the movie. It wasn't the same without having her hand to hold or her leg to squeeze and many references in the movie made me miss her even more! It also made me miss Charleston and all the little things we did, like going for walks to waterfront park, getting frozen yogurt at freshberry, or crepes at the farmer's market. It makes me want to live their again someday, but at the sametime I will miss my family so much!
My problem is that I want to please everyone and that's impossible. Why can't life be more simple. I know this is a long way off, but I know that the decision won't be any easier 4 years, 8 years, or 10 years from now. If we ever did live in SC, we would be taking a lot of road trips every year in order to go visit her family and my family, but it would also give my parents an excuse to visit Charleston, a city which they both enjoyed.
I miss all of you and love you
The movie was funny. We were probably the only group of 3 adults with no children, unless you count their unborn child Mason.
I was missing Alexandra during the movie. It wasn't the same without having her hand to hold or her leg to squeeze and many references in the movie made me miss her even more! It also made me miss Charleston and all the little things we did, like going for walks to waterfront park, getting frozen yogurt at freshberry, or crepes at the farmer's market. It makes me want to live their again someday, but at the sametime I will miss my family so much!
My problem is that I want to please everyone and that's impossible. Why can't life be more simple. I know this is a long way off, but I know that the decision won't be any easier 4 years, 8 years, or 10 years from now. If we ever did live in SC, we would be taking a lot of road trips every year in order to go visit her family and my family, but it would also give my parents an excuse to visit Charleston, a city which they both enjoyed.
I miss all of you and love you
Friday, June 5, 2009

Went golfing today, on a military only golf course. $12 for 18 holes! It was a lot of fun, didn't do too hot with the driver, but did alright with the irons. Had a couple nice drives though. I look forward to going again, I hope I have time to golf once I start working on the boat!
I love you Alexandra, I Miss you! I can't wait to marry you!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Ko'Olina Beach
Today I went to another beach I haven't tried yet. It is in a rich neighborhood and the beach is beautiful! There are 4 lagoons with very clear water, plenty of sand and some rock/reef that is good for snorkeling. I need to go buy some snorkeling gear now. There is also a couple little bars/restaurants on the beach that serve a coconut drink I can't wait to try when I am of age. Oh and the grass is so nice and soft, it feels good on the feet, the sand i HOT! Here's some pics...I tried to climb a palm tree...I don't know how the Hawaiians do it...

I love you Alexandra!
I love you Alexandra!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Today, I was invited over to a friends for some burgers and hotdogs on the grill. It was good eating a "homecooked" meal, haven't had one of those since I was on leave. After lunch we sat around talking and watched the travel channel about waterparks, Wisconsin Dells was featured and it made me think of home, close enough to home. I look forward to May 21st, 2010! The best day of my life and it hasn't even happened yet. I love you Alexandra!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I still miss home, especially my family. I miss Alexandra so much and I hate this time difference. I just want to be closer, I can't wait for next May, it will be the best day of my life! I hope she knows how much I love her, how much I need her, and what she means to me! I love you Alexandra. I can't wait to talk to you!
Friday, May 22, 2009
First Trip to The Beach in Waikiki
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Checking In...
Today was my first day of the check in process. Bunch of paperwork and stuff like that, not too exciting. Sat in a room doing absolutely nothing for awhile. Haven't met too many new people yet, I guess I will probably do that when I get to my boat. I did get fully checked into my room which is good, because otherwise my room key would have expired and not worked tomorrow, now it is permanent until I move out, due to marrying my beautiful fiancee Alexandra.
(I forgot to tell you this next part of the story Alexandra)
I had to goto medical and dental today to get checked in there. Medical was easy enough, then dental, where they said they couldn't sign my form because I hadn't had an exam since March 2008 and it is now March of 2009. I was also concerned about this, as well as Alexandra and my parents. So while I was home on leave my dad told me to make an appointment with my home dentist. So I did, I got an exam and cleaning...
...So today when the doc looked at my teeth, especially around my permanent retainer wire thingymabob he said, when was the last time you had a cleaning? Cuz you are really clean, especially around this retainer where you would normally be really dirty. HaHa! Thanks Cindy!
P.S. I miss the mainland!
(I forgot to tell you this next part of the story Alexandra)
I had to goto medical and dental today to get checked in there. Medical was easy enough, then dental, where they said they couldn't sign my form because I hadn't had an exam since March 2008 and it is now March of 2009. I was also concerned about this, as well as Alexandra and my parents. So while I was home on leave my dad told me to make an appointment with my home dentist. So I did, I got an exam and cleaning...
...So today when the doc looked at my teeth, especially around my permanent retainer wire thingymabob he said, when was the last time you had a cleaning? Cuz you are really clean, especially around this retainer where you would normally be really dirty. HaHa! Thanks Cindy!
P.S. I miss the mainland!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Truck Dilemma's
Today, my first day on the island, I went to pick up my truck. They broke the antennae off in Charleston, and so they wrote me a check to get it fixed here. Oh and they also forgot to turn the key off when it was being shipped, so the battery was dead, so they jumped it.
I went straight to the dealership to get it repaired, however I have to go back Monday because they are busy. So, I tried to start the truck and they jumped me and I drove back to my barracks room, and shut it off and tried to immediately restart...nothing. So I called my buddy Jeremy, and he came and gave me a jump and I went back to the dealership and bout a $100 battery, now its running fine. Hopefully the antennae goes smoothly. I am very happy with my customer service there so far. I will continue taking my business to them.
I went straight to the dealership to get it repaired, however I have to go back Monday because they are busy. So, I tried to start the truck and they jumped me and I drove back to my barracks room, and shut it off and tried to immediately restart...nothing. So I called my buddy Jeremy, and he came and gave me a jump and I went back to the dealership and bout a $100 battery, now its running fine. Hopefully the antennae goes smoothly. I am very happy with my customer service there so far. I will continue taking my business to them.
Arrival In Hawaii
Well, I experienced the worst flight of my life yesterday. LAX sucked first of all, but once I got over that hurdle, I thought I was in the clear, NOPE!
I was seated next to a drunk guy, he dropped his luggage trying to put it in the overhead bin, then sat/fell unto his seat and said, I'm just drunk!
I was like, oh great.
Then he told me he was celebrating his 5th wedding anniversary...alone...because his wife left him for a guy 20 years younger. Then he told me the story again and again, and then asked me questions and then asked the same questions again and then told me his story a few more times. AHH!
Then he decided to take his luggage down and dropped it on the girl across the aisle.
Then the flight took off, the tv's came on and I immediatley started a movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and put in headphones to ignore him.
He went to the bathroom repeatedly and passed out a lot, and then he would move around and pass out again, and he looked like he was going to lay in my lap, but didn't. Then he went to the bathroom and when he returned he informed me he threw up, and some on himself I think, eventually the flight attendants gave me a new seat, after 2 hrs of my 6 hr flight. But the last 4 hrs felt a lot shorter than those first 2.
Oh and before we took off he wanted to buy me shots and I refused, 1) I'm not old enough. 2) if he drank anymore he'd throw up on me oh and he was already swearing a lot, about how, mother****ing lucky I was to get stationed in Hawaii.
I miss my sweetheart.
I was seated next to a drunk guy, he dropped his luggage trying to put it in the overhead bin, then sat/fell unto his seat and said, I'm just drunk!
I was like, oh great.
Then he told me he was celebrating his 5th wedding anniversary...alone...because his wife left him for a guy 20 years younger. Then he told me the story again and again, and then asked me questions and then asked the same questions again and then told me his story a few more times. AHH!
Then he decided to take his luggage down and dropped it on the girl across the aisle.
Then the flight took off, the tv's came on and I immediatley started a movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and put in headphones to ignore him.
He went to the bathroom repeatedly and passed out a lot, and then he would move around and pass out again, and he looked like he was going to lay in my lap, but didn't. Then he went to the bathroom and when he returned he informed me he threw up, and some on himself I think, eventually the flight attendants gave me a new seat, after 2 hrs of my 6 hr flight. But the last 4 hrs felt a lot shorter than those first 2.
Oh and before we took off he wanted to buy me shots and I refused, 1) I'm not old enough. 2) if he drank anymore he'd throw up on me oh and he was already swearing a lot, about how, mother****ing lucky I was to get stationed in Hawaii.
I miss my sweetheart.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Not Ready
Today I had to say my goodbyes...I am not ready to leave. But I dont think I ever would be. Hawaii is so far away, I hate it. I just hope that time flies by. I miss my family and my sweetheart already!
Please let it be 2013!
Please let it be 2013!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Today we went riding and the mud puddle in the pic was pretty deep, we shifted into low gear 4-wheel drive and then played around, after we made sure we could make it through without one of us getting stuck of course. It was a good time, as always!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Rakin Leaves
Friday, April 24, 2009
Lunchtime Visits
I had lunch with Corbin at school. We brought him Mcdonalds. I got a lot of attention, the 9 year old girls thought my uniform had a cape and it was too small for me.
After lunch Toni and I went to Target to look at DS games and a man and his boy stopped me to thank me for serving the country and keeping himself and his boy safe. It's nice hearing things like that, because many times I forget that my job is important and serves a higher purpose. Its good to have little reminders to help me remember why I joined.
The next day I went to 3 lunches with
First we had lunch with Delaney. Delaney was excited, and we brought all the kids cupcakes since we couldn't bring everyone food. We brought Tom subway though, because it was originally Lori's idea to go have lunch with Tom and then we decided to see all the kids there.
After lunch with Delaney it was time
for Colton, he didn't know we were coming
and I think he would have preferred to have
a heads up because he was a little
embarassed. But atleast we got a picture!
Lunchtime Visits Continued...
Then it was time for lunch with Tom,
he was happy to see us. Apparently one of his
friends didn't believe that I was in the Navy,
so Tom pointed to me in my uniform and
said see I told you so!
Then we went to pick up Dani from High School.
She was very happy that we picked her up,
I don't think she was too thrilled that we
wanted to take pics in front of the school,
but the pic turned out nice!
Here's the same pic after Dani modified it,

Sunday, April 19, 2009
First Week Home
Well I am Home on leave. I missed my family so much! Its great being home and seeing everyone, I hate being away!
I look forward to moving back home to be close to all of them again, with my wife Alexandra (soon to be wife)
We went up to the camper this weekend, and rode the ATV's and dirt bike!
I look forward to moving back home to be close to all of them again, with my wife Alexandra (soon to be wife)
We went up to the camper this weekend, and rode the ATV's and dirt bike!
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