Monday, June 29, 2009

Stood My First Under Instruction Watch Today

Today I stayed late :( to stand a UI watch SRW. It was pretty much for the purpose of getting checkouts. I also took the logs and I was SLOW. I'm sure eventually I will improve, hopefully sooner than later. So I didn't get to leave work until 6:30 (thats 1830 for you military types) and luckily Alexandra was still awake so I kept her up a little longer to talk about our days. I love her!

I also got a PPD shot today, that was fun. Got to leave the boat for a little bit to have that done. I left without my medical record though so I had to walk all the way back, but it killed more time.

Hmm...not much else is going on around here.

This past weekend I went to Jeremy and Hilary's House and had some ribs, they were yummy. Oh and I had a chocolate cupcake too! I forgot to tell Alexandra about that! Then we went and watched The Hangover after persuading Hilary with the 2:1 ratio rule.

For those of you that don't know, this means that for every guy flick she sees with her husband, he will in turn see 2 chick flicks with her. Not completely fair, but most good chick flicks are funny so its ok.

By the way the movie was hilarious. Oh and Hilary ended up enjoying it also.

I miss Alexandra and can't wait for her to visit!


Saturday, June 27, 2009


So now that we are in the shipyard, I have to wear this awesome helmet and safety glasses to work! What do ya think?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Working on the weekend...not really

I had to go into work today. It was more or less muster and leave. I did a little ELT stuff, and found out i need to check my email daily...Apparently sometimes they email us things we need to do and it's an order and if you don't check your email you are disobeying it. Oh well lesson learned. I still think face to face communication works better on the sub, or at least through the chain of command.

So I am off for the rest of the weekend and don't really having anything planned. Going to go help friends return a heavy exercise equipment thing and get another one. Going to ride the motorcycle a little bit too. Other than that, I will talk to Alexandra, maybe play a little PS2, watch some niptuck and sleep. I'll eat at some point too.

Miss you all!
Hope the Vacation is fun and you have good weather!


Monday, June 15, 2009

And so it begins...

Well I have started working on my boat now. I can't do a whole lot yet, since I'm a full blown nub (non useful body) but I can do somethings. But my primary job is to study and get qualified. Although I found out today that this week is going to suck and the hours are going may suck. Oh and I will be going in on Saturday...but I believe my Sunday I will be off...knock on wood. Wish me luck.
Hope everything back home is going well, I know you are all ready for vacation and I expect lots of pics! I miss you everyone!

I miss you Alexandra sweetie and I love you so much!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm On A Boat

Well I have reported to my boat. Haven't done a lot so far, got the grand tour of the cramped spaces and had lunch on board. The crew's mess is a pretty small place as well. So far all I have really done is meet some people and begin the "check-in" process. When I got on this morning the topside watch was like, hold on who are you? and then another guy came up through the hatch and said hey Lippy! and then he told the topside watch I was good to go, just a new guy. I'm not 100% sure who that was, meeting so many new people I have a hard time keeping faces and names together. The crew doesn't have a problem, because they see the same faces everyday and then a new guy shows up, not hard to remember one new guy at a time. The adventure is just beginning. Now I just need to GET QUALIFIED and break out of my shell...haha.


oh and tonight I also purchased my honey's flight to come visit me! we are both very excited about this! My lead ELT told me I should be able to get the weekend free to be with her, probably not the weekdays though, and he also reminded me that nothing is "FOR SURE" in the Navy, well except maybe deployments...unfortunately lol. Alexandra and I are well aware that nothing is ever for sure, so we always plan for the worst and are thrilled when we get anything better than that.


P.S. I love and miss you too Mom, Dad, and family!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Whats new? Not much...

Hmm...what's new with me? Nothing yet. Got my household good shipment, so that means that I have my ps2, tv, and printer! It's nice to have a printer again. I need to get my official Hawaii state motorcycle insurance ID so I can finish all the registration stuff. It can be a big pain in the butt. This post is a rambling one, just so you know. Lets see, I'm spending as much time as I can talking to my sweetie, because I am soon going to be starting working on my boat and that means less available free time to talk when we are both awake, we will have to communicate by messages and then hope the weekends come quickly. I miss her very much, and I can't wait to buy that plane ticket to get her here! That will be so nice! I hope she knows what she means to me!

Oh by the way I had a coffee-toffee-frosty today, I didn't realize how ridiculous that sounded until I ordered it in the drive-thru at Wendy's, but it was good. Say it out loud and you will know what I mean. There is a Wendy's a block from OUR storage unit, so when Alexandra comes I will give her the grande tour of the storage unit and then we will get frosty's! That's the thing to do when you visit Hawaii!!

Well Hope YA'll are having a goodtime on the mainland, I miss it, and miss you


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saw the movie "UP" today!

After having a wonderful breakfast, pancakes, with the Payne's I helped them lay bricks under their fence to prevent the dogs from getting out. They live in the neighborhood I hope to live in someday with my beautiful fiancee Alexandra. After that we went to eat at a mexican restaurant, i think it was called Bandisto which is at Pearl Ridge mall. We walked around the mall after lunch and decided to see a movie, UP.

The movie was funny. We were probably the only group of 3 adults with no children, unless you count their unborn child Mason.

I was missing Alexandra during the movie. It wasn't the same without having her hand to hold or her leg to squeeze and many references in the movie made me miss her even more! It also made me miss Charleston and all the little things we did, like going for walks to waterfront park, getting frozen yogurt at freshberry, or crepes at the farmer's market. It makes me want to live their again someday, but at the sametime I will miss my family so much!

My problem is that I want to please everyone and that's impossible. Why can't life be more simple. I know this is a long way off, but I know that the decision won't be any easier 4 years, 8 years, or 10 years from now. If we ever did live in SC, we would be taking a lot of road trips every year in order to go visit her family and my family, but it would also give my parents an excuse to visit Charleston, a city which they both enjoyed.

I miss all of you and love you

Friday, June 5, 2009


Went golfing today, on a military only golf course. $12 for 18 holes! It was a lot of fun, didn't do too hot with the driver, but did alright with the irons. Had a couple nice drives though. I look forward to going again, I hope I have time to golf once I start working on the boat!

I love you Alexandra, I Miss you! I can't wait to marry you!